These lovely things are not for me specifically but for my 8 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER! Yes, you read that right. At some point in her 8 years my little Camryn may or may not have mentioned that she likes dragons.
Any of you who have been reading will know that I have been incessantly complaining about trying to get my house decluttered and organized. I have gone through boxes upon boxes of stuff that I thought that I needed. I have realized that I needed none of it.
I realize even more that I DO NOT need crappy Bradford Exchange anything in my house. Not only are there these 2 dragons in my house but there is also a number of wolves (that belong to Darian) and some other crap in large styrofoam containers. It would not have been so bad if my children had actually asked for any of this shit but they did not. My Awesome Father-In-Law took it upon himself to buy them these lovely pieces.
I get that he is just trying to give his grandchildren something but why these? These....totally age inappropriate, totally home cluttering, totally ugly specimens. The best part though? Is that this is a series.....of 8! I do not have room for the 2 that we have what the fuck am I going to do with 8?
My favorite part is the scantily-clad warrior women on them. I am sure that they are Camryn's favorite part too. Groan! What am I going to do? Anybody wanna adopt some dragons?
Oh come on - kitsch is cool.
Maybe you could put them on your roof to scare away pigeons, or hey, how 'bout a new hood ornament for your car? Nothing says "Get the hell outta the way," like a dragon and a naked broad! None of the moms will mess with you when you pull up to the school.
Liam says he'll take them of your hands. His mother says not so much.
Wow. If your 8 year old daughter starts having nightmares. You might wanna look to the dragons as the cause.
Here is a practical solution. Put a large shelf in her room just below the ceiling. Put them there. Once Grampa passes on to the next life, or in 10 years when the child is and adult, she can sell the set for a good penny on ebay and pay for part of her education. If she doesn't like them or they cause nightmares, all the better, put them in a box on a high shelf until she can sell them and if grandpa asks say she has nightmares from them.
There is a lady who sometimes visits my photohunt who loves dragons. She has 5 adult kids and some grandkids. She collects dragons. There must be more out there like her. I don't blame you for not caring for the stuff someone else thinks is a great idea (especially those).
Box 'em up. That's it. He probably won't even ask about them. :)
Good luck on de-cluttering.
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